Please contact us if you are interested in contributing to these efforts.
Disparities in healthcare remain a significant challenge,
and the lack of diversity in medical illustrations and images—ubiquitous in
clinical practice and medical education—undoubtedly contributes to this issue.
A growing body of literature highlights the subjective and objective impact of
these images on healthcare delivery. This impact affects patients, medical
trainees, and healthcare providers, shaping their perceptions of healthcare
equity. To advance equitable care, it is essential that medical imagery
accurately reflects the racial and demographic composition of the populations
The Medical Inclusion and Diversity Art Program (MIDAP)
seeks to address this gap by promoting diversity and representation across
various dimensions, including race, ethnicity, gender identity, ability, and
socioeconomic status, in the illustrations and visual artwork used in medical
books, scientific literature, training materials, and patient engagement
activities. MIDAP represents a collaborative effort between the Harvard Medical
School International Center for Genetic Disease (HMS-iCGD) and several of its
affiliated institutions, including Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, in partnership with
the Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt).